
    Satori Intensive Weekend Berlin

    April 4-6 2025
    Tai Chi Forum Berlin Kreuzberg

    Welcome to a Satori weekend in Berlin!

    Although we all know moments when our personality becomes quiet and allows us to see our “true self”, our self-perception is often influenced by critical inner voices or limiting beliefs.
    The Satori process is designed to enable you to experience this true nature. Communication in dyads invites you to express who you are right now – and to experience the truth of others.
    This weekend offers everyone who wants to get to know the Satori process a good opportunity to experience the benefits of this unique work. Experienced Satori participants can use this valuable opportunity to intensify the work with their question.



    Tai Chi Forum Berlin
    Zossener Straße 31
    10961 Berlin


    Friday, April 4th
    19:00 – 21:00
    Introduction evening with communication exercises

    Saturday, April 5th
    10:00 – 18:00
    Morning and afternoon communication exercises, walking meditation, silent lunch/rest time in between

    Sunday, April 6th
    10:00 – 14:00
    Communication exercises, closing session

    Regular Price: €250
    Early Bird Discount (until February 28th): €200

    The workshop will be conducted in German.


    Rafael Ebner

    Tel.: +43 699 12346817


    * indicates required
    • The Satori group is one of the most powerful ways to look deeply into yourself and discover what you have always been seeking.
      Ryan S.
    • The Satori experience was a realignment with what is/was most truthful for me, and in so doing had the world work better for me. I rediscovered a more honest and powerful desire to just live. And, I do.
      Seth A. Grossman, Ph.d
    • …It feels like coming home. I highly recommend working with Satori to anyone who has the opportunity.
      Iva Samina
    • To me, the Satori means everything. It means feeling the raw, unadulterated truth, and knowing the unfathomable beauty, perfection and completeness of every little moment of this experience called life.
      Ronny C.
    • I’ve done quite a few retreats – but if I had to choose only one to do for the rest of my life, it would be this one.
      Boris. B